Wednesday 17 December 2014

Content Page Final

I have used Adobe Photoshop to create my school magazine. I have used a range of different tools and experimented with them, and also I have gained experience on how to use some of the tools, I haven't used before. I found using Adobe photoshop the easiest software to use to create my school magazine cover because, I have used this software before so I am able to use it without any trouble.

School Magazine Final Cover

I have used Adobe Photoshop to create my school magazine. I have used a range of different tools and experimented with them, and also I have gained experience on how to use some of the tools, I haven't used before. I found using Adobe photoshop the easiest software to use to create my school magazine cover because, I have used this software before so I am able to use it without any trouble.

Thursday 11 December 2014

My created Questionnaire

Magazine first hand pictures

These are the first hand photgraphs I have taken, which are displayed on my front magazine cover or my contents page. Some pictures I have edited to fit into the magazine, which may be clear by viewing the original photo, compared to the photo on my magazine cover or contents page. 

My magazine front cover designs.

Here I have created 4 initial design idea's, which are the contenders to be my magazine front cover. However, I have chosen a few ideas from each of the design's, some more than others, and then I have created my front cover on Adobe Photoshop.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

My magazine content page design

This is the design I have created of my contents page, which has helped me create the real thing on Adobe Photoshop, which is potrayed in the exact same way as my inital design.

School magazine survey

In this following link, It was show you a presentation of the results I collected from my school magazine survey. The purpose for me to do this survey was to give me an idea of how the school magazine may look or additionally need, by what the pupils/teachers have answered from the survey: School Magazine Survey.