Wednesday 18 March 2015

♫ Magazine Pictures

This picture is a primary picture that I have taken. This picture Will be the background of my Magazine cover. I took loads of pictures but, chose this picture out of them all because it was the type of picture I wanted. This picture is in the moment shot as they were playing and I took a long shot to get all the Dhol players in. The lighting is High key as I wanted a clear picture of them. The reason I took a picture of three people playing the Dhol was, because my survey revealed that people played Dhol the most, which is obviously the most popular instrument that my survey recorded.   
This picture was taken to be on an article of my double page spread. The picture is a long shot of the band which, I named as 'Dholi vibes'. I took this picture at an angle, so it got all of the four members in, it's also in the moment shot, where they were playing the dhol and I took a picture of them.

This image is taken to be used on my contents page as a picture next to a page number. This picture is a long shot of people doing a performance at a popular religious festival. So this being next to a page number, people will want to open that page to read the article.
This picture is the picture I used for an article on my double page spread. I'ts a close up of the 'celebrity' I am interviewing. It's a close up shot of just his face from a high angle.