Sunday 3 May 2015

Evaluation Q7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary tasks and the final outcome of that task I feel the final product of my task now are of a much higher standard. I feel that, by learning how to use Adobe Photoshop to a higher standard this has increased my work standard. My music magazine cover, contents and double page spread is of a higher standard because I learnt how to use Photoshop better, and also because I feel I now fully understand the conventions of music magazines and how to make them look good and appeal to an audience. By evaluating many covers, double page spreads and contents pages I was able to see how real magazine companies layout their magazines and was able to reproduce this in my way. Overall, the longer the task went on the more skills I gained in different areas making it easier for me to produce a good quality music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Evaluation Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation Q5: 5. How did you attract/address your audience? How did audience feedback help you to make important decision?

I used the results from my Questionnaire to help me to know what the popular choices my audience chose, this would help to produce my magazine based on what the public wanted. I attracted my audience by using colours such as 'orange' to grab their attention. This was important as when the magazine is on the shop shelf surrounded by similar products it is vital that my magazine would stand out over the rest. I also placed my masthead at the top of my magazine so that it was easily visible to my target audience. I also used superlatives on my magazine. Superlatives are signs or symbols that attract the consumer to the magazine, for example 'NEW' or ‘WIN’ these immediately make the magazine look interesting, therefore I used a pug feature on my magazine cover. The audience feedback is very crucial in order for me to make important decisions as it would help me include things that would only appeal and attract my audience, and that they wanted as having what the public want will help me make it sell successfully. All together I have successfully addressed and attracted my targeted audience. 

Evaluation Q4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience is for males and females ageing from teenagers to there 30’s. The reason I have targeted this age of both genders is because Bhangra is highly popular for that age range and it attracts both genders. I chose to do an Asian magazine as my questionnaire showed me that Bhangra was the most popular choice so that was the genre and target audience. I also incorporated a famous Bhangra singer, H-Dhami who famously known for singing, that was the Pug feature for the magazine cover, which would target mainly females to buy the magazine as he has a lot of female fans, which would also act as an incentive to buy the magazine so they would be more interested.

Evaluation Q3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation Q2: How does my media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents a particular social group of young males and females. Bhangra is for all ages for Asian people, but is highly popular for younger males and females. The age can range from teenagers to adults in there 30’s. On my cover the main image, which is the background is a group of young males playing the dhol to Bhangra music. Also the pug I included to win tickets to a H-Dhami concert that has a lot of females fan is targeted towards young females. The image I have used on the contents page is of a festival, which a mostly young Males and females attend, that also represents the social group that I targeted and have successfully achieved it.

Evaluation Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

♫ Final Product

Wednesday 22 April 2015

♫ Music Magazine Double Page Spread: Ideas

My ideas for the Music magazine double page spread is that, the first side of the page I will write an article about a Bhangra Dhol band It will be an article that will almost tell a story about how their careers started and information about them. Also I will upload a photo of the band onto it too, that will show who they are. On the second side of the page I will make an interview article about a Bhangra singer/song writer. It will not be a long interview as I recorded from my survey that, they did not want to see a lot of information on the double page spread, which might bore them out from reading it, so it will be short and not long, so the reader will want to read it. I will also upload a photo of the person that being interviewed too.

♫ Music Magazine Content page: Design draft

♫ Music Magazine Front Page: Design draft

Tuesday 21 April 2015

♫ Masthead Design

This is the Masthead for the front cover of my music magazine. I created this by using Adobe Photoshop. From my survey I concluded that my theme for my magazine was Bhangra, so I decided to make that the name of my magazine. The color of the masthead is orange, this is because my survey showed that orange was the most popular color and is the representation of the Bhangra music. The logo on the side of the masthead is a person dancing in a Bhangra style, which I thought went really well with the writing as they both relate to each other, as the character is doing a Bhangra dance. Orange is also a very highly popular colour in the Indian culture, which is why I decided to make the title cover orange.

Sunday 19 April 2015

♫ Music Magazine Terminology

Masthead - The main title of the magazine, It is always on the front cover.

Banner - To promote something exclusive for example an interview which they want the reader to identify.

The Main Image - Is the image in the centre of the front page, the picture is usually of a person who will probably have an exclusive interview and a couple of pictures inside the magazine. The main image is the product which sells the magazine.

Buzzword - Usually promotes something that is exclusive or for example where a magazine has a prize to win in will usually say the word "WIN" to promote something the reader can get for free.

Headline - The headline is the main piece of text on the cover of the magazine. The headline will promote the main image on the cover.

Barcode - A code and convention - a barcode is on every cover of every magazine it tells us the price and overall quality of the magazine. A barcode helps the customers understand that this item needs to be paid for. It can also tell the reader which company distributes the magazine.

Anchorage text - usually found underneath the headline and helps the customers understand the headline and the main image.

Puff - an incentive which is place on the cover to make something stand out. Usually by putting text around a shape.

Secondary images - Images that are on the front cover that is maybe not as important as the main image.

Pug - Where the corner of the page is covered and usually has a buzzword inside of it. It is an incentive

to open the magazine.

Features -  Things the readers will find inside the magazine.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

♫ Magazine Pictures

This picture is a primary picture that I have taken. This picture Will be the background of my Magazine cover. I took loads of pictures but, chose this picture out of them all because it was the type of picture I wanted. This picture is in the moment shot as they were playing and I took a long shot to get all the Dhol players in. The lighting is High key as I wanted a clear picture of them. The reason I took a picture of three people playing the Dhol was, because my survey revealed that people played Dhol the most, which is obviously the most popular instrument that my survey recorded.   
This picture was taken to be on an article of my double page spread. The picture is a long shot of the band which, I named as 'Dholi vibes'. I took this picture at an angle, so it got all of the four members in, it's also in the moment shot, where they were playing the dhol and I took a picture of them.

This image is taken to be used on my contents page as a picture next to a page number. This picture is a long shot of people doing a performance at a popular religious festival. So this being next to a page number, people will want to open that page to read the article.
This picture is the picture I used for an article on my double page spread. I'ts a close up of the 'celebrity' I am interviewing. It's a close up shot of just his face from a high angle. 

Thursday 12 February 2015

♫ Music Magazine Questionnaire: Analysis

From collecting my Music Magazine Questionnaire, I now know what the genre of my music magazine will be, which is Bhangra so that will be the theme. Overall I know what the public want, so my design ideas will be based around the information I have gained from the questionnaire. The results from the questionnaire have helped a lot to point me in the right direction of what my magazine needs to include and achieve. 

Thursday 29 January 2015

♫ Music Magazine Analysis.

♫ Music Institutions.

Bauer Media was founded in 1875. It was displayed through a portfolio of world-class, multi-platform media and entertainment brands including heat, Kiss, Empire, Magic and Absolute Radio. It creates entertaining media content that audiences love whenever, wherever and however they want through a multi-channel. It manages a portfolio of more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations around the world. The portfolio also includes print shops, postal, distribution and marketing services. Bauer Media Group has a workforce of approximately 11,000 employees in 17 countries

♫ Brief: Music Magazine.

For my Music Magazine, I need to create a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. I must carry out the same process as my school magazine, but in more depth and detail and then i'll need to explain it step by step.