Sunday 3 May 2015

Evaluation Q5: 5. How did you attract/address your audience? How did audience feedback help you to make important decision?

I used the results from my Questionnaire to help me to know what the popular choices my audience chose, this would help to produce my magazine based on what the public wanted. I attracted my audience by using colours such as 'orange' to grab their attention. This was important as when the magazine is on the shop shelf surrounded by similar products it is vital that my magazine would stand out over the rest. I also placed my masthead at the top of my magazine so that it was easily visible to my target audience. I also used superlatives on my magazine. Superlatives are signs or symbols that attract the consumer to the magazine, for example 'NEW' or ‘WIN’ these immediately make the magazine look interesting, therefore I used a pug feature on my magazine cover. The audience feedback is very crucial in order for me to make important decisions as it would help me include things that would only appeal and attract my audience, and that they wanted as having what the public want will help me make it sell successfully. All together I have successfully addressed and attracted my targeted audience. 

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